Join the Conversation- Where World Changers Meet

ci_wp_master · March 1, 2021

Great Ideas Start With a Conversation

Similar to a high-level mastermind, only with an order. Four conversation circles each with an outcome based initiative to launch ideas and propel business.

This is an event where no one sells or instructs but instead where honest interactions help to form lifelong connections. Whereas TED is a selective event focused on showcasing a speaker with an “idea worth sharing,” we take it a step further, allowing powerful transformative ideas to take shape through interaction.

A Live, Annual, Invitation Only Event.

Our attendees are a unique group of 100 world changers tapped and selected to join in a unique mastermind in the forest. They are celebrities, CEOs, world changers, humanitarians, entrepreneurs and leaders.

This is a chance to connect and have deep conversations face-to-face with a group of world changers about your life and business.

One night can change your life forever.

Will You be 1 out of 100?

About Instructor

Not Enrolled
or $550

Course Includes

  • 1 Lesson